Friday 5 February 2016

Wall Putty And Preparing The Wall Before Painting

Wall putty is a fine powder, which is used to fill the holes, cracks, and dents to make the surface smooth for painting. It is damp resistant and gives smooth finish. Putty is made of cement and sand of holes filling materials.

To get the smooth finish, the surface should be prepared for painting by cleaning the wall or any surface of dust, grease, chalk or residual parts of the last painting. This is done better by scraping the wall with wire brush. Any growth of algae must be removed before painting, by bio wash. This is done by mixing 15 % of bleaching powder in a bucket of water.  This mixture kills growth of algae on walls. Next step is dealing with dampness, which can destroy any paint applied on it. Dampness is generally caused by water leakages from pipers within the walls, some leakage from external water pipes or water running on walls from outside. The source of the water coming on walls or running through walls must be repaired before start of the painting.  To deal with cracks, the putty is applied on cracks. Cracks can damage the paint and create conditions for growth of algae and dampness. That is whey, the filling of cracks with putty, from inside or outside of the wall is essential to perfect painting.

Again if the wall or surface has some loose particles or surface is absorbent, a coat of exterior sealer must be applied. And any surface, which has been applied with freshly plastered must be properly dried or cured before the use of painting. Such surfaces should be cured with water for a month before painting. Then of putty is applied to make the wall even by covering all holes and cracks. The putty should be left to dry before applying primer. The main function of the primer is to give additional protection layer to the surface and make sure that there is better adhesion of the paint on the wall. It also ensures durability of the paint. For smooth painting it is essential that the paint brush should be applied only in one direction either right to left or up and down. The paint for external side of the wall must be selected carefully to give protection to wall from harsh condition of weather. Paint with bio-pack is suitable for external side, as it prevents the growth of algae and green patches.

Cement distributors also keep wall putty with them Cement Distributors in Delhi-NCR. Only small cracks can be filled with wall putty. For bigger cracks on the external side of the wall, the quality cement or mixture of sand with cement must be applied on the cracks.  Wall putties are made with quality raw material and chemical compounds with advanced methodology. Wall Putty Distributors in Delhi is keeping wall putty based on white cement also to give leveling to the uneven surfaces.