Thursday 7 April 2016

Preparing the surface for painting and role of wall putty

For smooth painting the surface to be painted must be cleaned thoroughly. Any dust, dirt particle or dent in the surface will not give required finish to the surface.  The first important step in preparing the surface for painting is to remove not only the dust and dirt but also the residual parts of the previous paints.  This cleaning can be done by wire brush or by washing with fast flow of water. If wall or any surface has algae, it should be removed completely. The cracks must be filled with combination of sand and cement. The cracks can also be filled with the use of putty. If there is dampness in the walls, it should be repair before the start of painting. The causes of the dampness may be internal leakage of a pipe, which runs close to the surface. Or it may be the placement of air conditioner duct, which leaks water to walls. Whatever the reason of dampness, it must be addressed before the painting.

In case if the internal or external side of the wall is crumbling, then first step will be to re-plaster the wall.  In plaster is applied on the walls or surface, then it should be properly cured before the use of paint. The plasters are highly absorbent, that is why the paint getting absorbed and giving patches of different shades cannot be ruled out. At least there should be a gap of 3-4 weeks before the paint on re-plaster walls.

Role of wall putty is Wall Putty Distributors in Delhi very important just before the painting. It provides smooth surface for painting by covering the holes, small dents, cracks and other irregularities. One or two coating of wall putty is enough for any surface to become smooth for desired painting finish. After the use of putty, the use of primer gives additional protection to the surface and makes the pain stick to the surface. It also increases the durability of the paint.

Then final painting is done with the choice of paint depending on the preference of the user.  The paint with bio pack will ensure that the growth of algae is stopped. The growth of algae leads to appearance Cement Wholesaler in Delhi of black patches on the wall. For applying the paint, the movement of the brush should be only in one direction back and forth. This gives smooth painting with no visible lines in the painting. The color of painting is often different for external sides and internal walls. The external pant as far as possible should have the qualities to withstand the harsh weather. The paint must not fade soon after applying under strong sun lights.

To maintain clean wall from external side of the home, they should be washed with water after every 4 – 5 months. This removes the dust and pollution from traffic and keeps shining.